Brotherhood of the
Fancy Sword
By signing this form you agree to the following:
You agree to do nothing intentionally or unintentionally against the goals of the guild.
You agree to let one guild officer in a co-op with you to monitor your island and make sure you don’t steal from the guild.
This officer will not break or place blocks, take or give items, or alter any settings without permission from the owner.
The only scenario in which they will alter the island in any way without permission is if the island owner has breached this contract.
You agree to return any items lent to you by the guild and to never sell anything given.
You agree to give half the profits of any minions given by the guild to the guild.
You agree that you will not put up a fight if you are not chosen for a guild promotion.
You know that you will join the guild as a member and that if you wish for a higher rank you must show trustworthiness and dedication.
You are aware that you can be suspended or banned from the guild at any time for any reason.
You agree that any crimes you commit will be settled by a trial.
You are aware that this form can be changed or updated at any time.
The following is a list of things the guild will provide in exchange for your loyalty.
Infinite access to the bakery and unlimited free access to all of the century cakes.
Unlimited access to the potion tavern.
Access to the portal hub on Capitancoodeel's island.
Access to the Great Castle on Capitancoodeel's island.
monthly coin bonuses ranging from 1k to 1mil.
access to the guild forums.
Your name and a quote on the guild’s official website. (optional)
A free snow minion which cannot be sold. (note: half of all profits from the minion must be returned to the guild.)
Weekly coin bonuses that will be granted upon passing a routine island check.
A starter set of hardened diamond armor and a silver fang. (optional)